Factory to create interceptors that retry the failed request based on some conditions
Get it from bower or directly download it.
bower install --save angular-hu-retry
Add the dependency in the HTML
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-hu-retry/retry.js"></script>
Add the httpu.retry
dependency to your App Module
angular.module('MyApp', ['httpu.retry']);
The huRetryInterceptorFactory
dependency is now available
.run(function($http) {
//retry 3 times before giving up. (the original request + 3 retries = 4 request)
$http.get('', {
retries: 3
//SIMPLE USAGE: retry everything
.config(function($httpProvider) {
// Add a default interceptor instantiation
$httpProvider.interceptors.push(['huRetryInterceptorFactory', function(huRetryInterceptorFactory) {
return huRetryInterceptorFactory();
//MEDIUM USAGE: Retry with a 503 error.
.config(function($httpProvider) {
.factory('retryOn503Interceptor', function(huRetryInterceptorFactory, $q, $timeout) {
//return an interceptor that specifies the conditions for retry
return huRetryInterceptorFactory({
//this func will be called when there are remaining request. i.e. `retries` field in the request config
//is still greater than 0.
//So, it's called when a retry is about to be performed, allowing you to cancel the retry
// Useful when you don't want to retry a request based on some rejection parameters
// Must return a promise resolving to a boolean, allowing you to perform an async operation before retrying,
// or a boolean which means the desire of retrying
shouldRetry: function(rejection) {
//rejection is the paramter passed to$http responseError interceptor
if (rejection.status === 503) {
//If my api response is a 503 error, retry the after 2 secs
return $timeout(function() {
return true;
}, 2000);
return false;
//There is also another one config parameter to the factory, called `retryField`
//that allows you to specify the name of field to be looked in the config to determine
// how many retries are remaining. Defaults to 'retries'
Live example
Use cases
- You have several retry strategies based on some backend specific errors
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