Exposes a factory that creates an interceptor that groups interceptors, to be traversed for specific backends. Implements the composite pattern.
Get it from bower or directly download it.
bower install --save angular-hu-composite
Add the dependency in the HTML
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-hu-composite/composite.js"></script>
Add the httpu.composite
dependency to your App Module
angular.module('MyApp', ['httpu.composite']);
The huComposite
dependency is now available
//Create an interceptor of interceptors
.factory('myAPIInterceptors', function(huComposite) {
return huComposite([
'myOAuthInterceptor', //you can also register interceptors via an anonymous factory
], {
//these interceptors will only be called when `myAPI` property is available in the request config
flag: 'myAPI'
//OR when the request URL satisfies the following RegExp
backend: /^\/api/
// Add the new interceptor to the interceptors chain
.config(function($httpProvider) {
//Now, these interceptors will only be called when the request config includes a truthy value for `myAPI` parameter
.run(function($http) {
//This request will traverse your interceptors
$http.get('/api', {
myAPI: { //Set it to `true` or to your API specific parameters managed in your interceptors
param: 'value'
//This request will traverse your interceptors,
//Other requests (including server templates) without myAPI param or to other backend, will not traverse them
Live Example
Use cases
- Your app access several Backends, and have some backend specific interceptors (Authorization, error management...) for each one.
- You have interceptors that implements some plug&play feature, and belongs to a certain module.
- You download your templates from your server, and query a different API backend using several interceptors.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Telefónica I+D -